
Showing posts from June, 2009

Jane Addam’s Trail

I found my favorite new spot to ride. I took the kids on a short ride up the Jane Addam’s Trail. It is very nice. I loved hoe it felt like I was just riding through the woods. The trail is solid but not paved. I’m looking forward to riding it with some of the youth group kids tomorrow.   I’m hoping Kirsten will enjoy riding with us. We borough a bike for her and we just bought her a helmet. I made a few adjustment to our bikes after the first ride and I can’t wait to go riding again. Maybe today if the rain hold off.

The Raging Bull Stole my Soul UPDATE!

Well, long story short, I'm still too fat. It's not the update I was hoping to share but it is what it is. I'm still a work in progress and God isn't done with me yet, that's for sure. I'm motivated to reach a normal BMI and that will take time and commitment on my part. This trip made me know I'll get there but I still have work ahead of me to do all that God has in store for me. I wish i got on that ride but God was loud and clear, Its not time yet. I tried five rides (the big ones) and then decided I had enough and we left. I'm not leaving defeated this time. I'm leave determined and re energized. For the next 100lbs that need to go. I knew this was a possibility but it's still a little disappointing. What I know is that God is at work with in me and all things happen in His time.

My New Rig

So I’m in the process of picking parts for a new home PC I’m going to build for my video editing/gaming needs. I’ve been looking at cases to get me excited about the new build. I’ve found the NZXT. LEXA Ultra light Aluminum Midtower .   I’m not sure how much this new pc is going to set me back but hopefully I can build it this fall. Until then I’ll continue to choose parts for it. If you have any suggestions let me know.      

Helix Film School

I had a good time yesterday sharing my video gadgets with my students. We looked at the difference between standard definition and HD. We will be looking at editing software next Thursday. If you ever wanted to learn how to edit your family videos feel free to join us. Thursdays 2-4pm.

Larger Than Life Video

Leaving walmart and didn't have lunch yet. This is just cruel.

Tonight’s Lock-in

Well, after months of preparation, Tonight is the night. From 9pm till 7am we will have about 25 kids enjoying themselves at our Helix youth ministry overnighter. It’s been a lot of work and I still have to put the finishing touches on some of the games. Kirsten and I were talking and most often my Lock-ins require more mental planning. I create games and write up rules and instructions. (Survivor, Amazing Race). This lock-in I was building game pieces and moving stuff throughout the church. This lock-in required the most amount of setup I’ve ever done. I will post a video of the nights activities here soon.
Setting up for larger than life lockin.
We decided to do some jenga research.