National Youth Workers Convention

Today we spent several hours in our critical concerns course. It is on the topic of Middle School Ministry. Out speakers are Mark Oestreicher and Scott Rubin. Scott has been on staff at Willow Creek for 15 years. He has lots of stories and can speak super human fast. He spoke on the need for creativity in ministry. Both in youth ministry and adult ministry. Mark is the President of Youth Specialties, the sponsers of the conference. He has been in youth ministry for 25 years and has authored severl books on youth ministry. I'm enjoying his sense of humor. Laughster found in abundance here at NYWC 08. I love being around other youth workers who understand the trials and blessings of youth ministry. Kirsten and I have bounced alot of fresh ideas around tonight and I look forward to putting them into action once we return to the trenches of ministry. I'm truely excited about what tomorrow will bring and what new things God will reveal.
It's late, or very early on November 2nd and I'm listening to a new Steve Curtis Chapman album titled "This Moment"
One of my favorite songs on the album is "With One Voice".
Here are the Lyrics and a link to his website.

We come together with a holy purpose
We come together for the highest cause
We speak one language from a heart of worship
Gathered to bring a song to the world
For Your glory
With one voice we will sing
Every tribe and every tongue
Brings a harmony
With one voice we will bring
Heaven's beautiful melody down to this earth
As we sing to our King
With one voice
Oceans divide us
But we sing together
Now what defines us is our love of You
From every nation and across all borders
Gathered to bring a song to the world
For Your glory
With one voice we will sing
Every tribe and every tongue
Brings a harmony
With one voice we will bring
Heaven's beautiful melody down to this earth As we sing to our King
With one voiceCome on come on and join the song
Our God our God is on the throne
Come on come on and join the song
Hallelujah hallelujah Come on come on and join the song
Our God our God is on the throne
Come on come on and join the song
Hallelujah Hallelujah, our God reigns
Let us all rejoice
With one voice we will bring
Heaven's beautiful melody down to this earth
As we sing, sing to our King
With one voice
With one voice
Hallelujah, our God reigns
Let us all rejoice
Sing hallelujah
Sing His praise
Let us all rejoice
Sing hallelujah, our God reigns
Let us all rejoice
Sing hallelujah
Sing His praise
Let us all rejoice

Check back daily for updates on my experiences and reflections of the convention.

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