
After our visit from the Church consultant Paul Nixon I was very excited. I hit the ground running. I changed the website and helped with a new sign design and I’ve got several other changes I’m personally working on for our congregation and my ministries. None of which are something I can complete anytime soon (other than the website). For those of you who know me, I like to get stuff done. I don’t like working on things I can’t see through completion. I’m stressed about approvals for signs and building modifications. All of these needed renovations to our church building are exciting and at times overwhelming. I can see the finished product, my only hesitation is that I also see our congregation resistant to change. I’m excited to move forward but I know from past experience that this will not be an easy road to travel. I’m teetering on the fence myself wondering if we have bitten off more than we can chew. I’m excited to prepare our facility for the future but I hate getting excited about things at church and then see them get tossed aside due to lack of vision or creative financing.
St. John UCC Sign ConceptAt this point I’m very skeptical about the success of this new church sign concept I’ve been working on. I’m concerned because I ‘m so excited about it that it will devastate me if it doesn’t happen. I remember about six years ago I had another project I dumped a lot of hours into. I was working on acquiring a church van. I had talked with local dealers to find the best price. I had included it in a capital campaign the church had begun. It was one of the first projects I was part of here at St. John. I had envisioned something for our church that was way before its time. This was the image I used to show people what I was hoping the van would look like. Helix Van
I think I get too attached to these projects. They take over a lot of my thinking. I feel like this new sign may end up like the “Church Van”: too expensive with a lack of support. I pray I’m wrong because it would be an amazing marketing tool. In my gut I’m doubtful and overloaded.
I had no idea I would be this stressed about church stuff when I planned my excursion to NJ. I’m looking forward to spending time with my family. Maybe I’ll forget about church stuff for awhile. I can’t make any promises but I definitely need to take a step away for awhile. I’m sure we all find the need to do this from time to time. NJ here I come.

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