
So it’s after midnight and I’ve been awake thinking about winter retreat and all the other events that are coming in the next few months. I was thinking about how I need a challenge to lose 40 more pounds. I’m already planning my menu for the next three plus months. I’m figuring out my workout routines and looking forward to dropping those pounds. Many of you know that our local GetFit challenge has turned into an infinite weight loss program. I really need the challenge GodFit Challengeto get me competitive and excited to workout all the time. So I created, with the help of my Christ First Friends, the GodFit Challenge. It will last three months and I’ve tied it to our Christ First program. I’m really ready to step it up. The holidays have taken there toll on me.

As I consider all the other things I’m looking forward to I can see where the anticipation is keeping me awake. I have an amazing group of Middle School kids. We are hosting an after school program for 20+ youth each Thursday from 3-5pm. It’s a lot of fun getting to know all the new kids. I’m truly blessed to have an opportunity to be part of their lives. I’m also thinking about my Christ First friends and the new members we are about to share our stories with. I’m amazed how God is using me in the lives of people who struggle with weight just like I do. I’ve come a long way in the last few years and it is crazy to think how different my life used to be. I’m anticipating my training to begin for the triathlon (my first) I’m going to do this summer. I’m also considering doing a half marathon.

And my youth are in the middle of fund raising for our Helix Youth Ministry. We are selling Super Bowl Subs. After Super Bowl Sunday I get a slight break from big events for a couple of weeks and then I’ll focus on my first 24 hour lock-in for Middle School Helix. It’s going to be insane, or at least I must be to think I can pull something like that off. We shall see. I’m looking forward to trying something different and new things always bring the creativity out of me. I can’t wait!

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