Emotional Run, God and I talked today.

So I didn’t want to run today. everything inside me said forget it, relax. I had gotten on the scale this morning and the number were up and it frustrates  me because I’m working so hard and keeping my calories right were they need to be. I had to keep telling myself to push on and trust that God’s at work. Sometimes that is easier than others. Today it was really hard. I dropped Kalel off at Preschool and I had already dressed in workout clothes so I hit the pavement for a little one on one time with God. He was going to get an earful from me this morning.

Well, God did most of the talking today. I cried as I ran. I was flooded with emotion on just how much God in in control and I just need to trust he is at work in me and His plan will continue to be a blessing in my life. No matter what the scale says, today! God has been at work with in my life yesterday, today and He will be tomorrow as well. As I looked back at the last several years of my life I realized how the scale has moved the direction I wanted but rarely at the speed at which I have desired.  If it had I may not have relied on God for strength as much as I did and continue to.

God’s timing is perfect. God brought the past to my mind and made me realize how blessed I am today! As you go about your day today, take some time to chat with God. He wants to talk with you. Maybe you need some reassurance about His plan for your life. Maybe Your frustrated with the scale like I was today. Ask God what’s up and He will answer.

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