God Can Change Your Life

I’m so excited to share with you that on November 9th at 5pm I will be leading a brand new Youth Group. This group will be very different from our regular Helix Youth Ministry. This new group will focus on the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. God has been preparing me for this ministry since I was in grade school. Let me tell you how. As a child raised in a Christian home my parent put a large emphasis on a personal relationship with God. My parents were good parents who loved us very much. My mom taught me how to bake and cook. My father taught me how to use tools. I learned at a young age that food was good and I could make anything I wanted, in large quantities. I could also fix just about anything. My mom and I always struggled with food and our weight. I’ve never been able to fix that. I have tried every diet with my mom. In high school I worked very hard to be at a “normal” weight but I never achieved that goal. I was depressed through most of my adolescence and my weight was at the root of my depression. My faith in God and my pursuit of health was never brought together during my time living with my parents. As a young man I tried to power lift to get my weight under control. I learned how to work out but I never incorporated my faith or God into my efforts for health. Without giving God all the control in my life I have constantly fallen short of who He wants me to be. It wasn’t until the fall of 2007 that I began to listen to god calling me to change. I weighed in at well over 455lbs and the depression was overwhelming. That Holiday season was one of the most difficult I’ve been through. I had suffered health issues which I truly believed was God trying to get my attention. God kept working on me and one day I saw a little sign on the door of my daughter’s preschool class. It said First Place faith based weight loss program, Call the office to sign-up. I’m flooded with emotion just thinking about that day and how it has changed my whole world, my life and my relationship with God. God has always been working in my life to make me His servant, Always. I look back on everything the Lord has brought me through and see how God has been preparing me to serve. On Nov. 9th I get to take all my knowledge about health both my successes and failures, and share them with the youth of this community. I get the share the Healing love of Christ with these young Christians. It’s such an honor and a blessing each and every day I get to share my life experience with our youth. I’ll get to share with them how to prepare healthy meals and to how to seek God’s guidance in living a healthy lifestyle. I definitely have some unique stories and experiences I bring to the table. I’m really excited to see how God will use this new ministry in my life and the lives of the youth of this community. Adult classes are starting soon as well. God can help you. Give God the control over your life.


Faith Based Weight Loss Program. Call the office to sign-up.

God can change your life.

St. John UCC 815-235-2824  Prince of Peace 815-232-4911

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