The Raging Bull Stole my Soul UPDATE!

Well, long story short, I'm still too fat. It's not the update I was hoping to share but it is what it is. I'm still a work in progress and God isn't done with me yet, that's for sure. I'm motivated to reach a normal BMI and that will take time and commitment on my part. This trip made me know I'll get there but I still have work ahead of me to do all that God has in store for me. I wish i got on that ride but God was loud and clear, Its not time yet. I tried five rides (the big ones) and then decided I had enough and we left. I'm not leaving defeated this time. I'm leave determined and re energized. For the next 100lbs that need to go. I knew this was a possibility but it's still a little disappointing. What I know is that God is at work with in me and all things happen in His time.

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