Our Success

Many of you know I've struggled with my weight and health for several years now. I was pretty sure nothing was going to change. Then one day on my daughters preschool door was a sign for the First place 4 Health faith based weight loss program. I was compelled to sign up and give it a try (like most diets I've been on). Kirsten my wife decided she wanted to join as well. I was really excited to see what the Lord had in store for us on this journey.
Kirsten and I have each lost more than 60 lbs each. She is looking great. I know I look better and feel better. I can't wait to see what I look like in another year. This program has helped us refocus our eating habits. We have now put an emphasis on God being first when it comes to what we eat. I believe Kirsten and I always had an emphasis of God being first in most of our life but the food part was mine. I never really gave what I ate or how much I ate a lot of thought. Now I get to meet with a wonderful group of loving people who struggle with health and weight issues. It's helpful to know I'm not alone in my struggle to restore what God has given me. It's very encouraging to know that they are there for me.

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