Youth Ministry Salary

Kirsten admitted that she was worrying about bills again. We live a very blessed life but money is always super tight. When I say super tight I mean we only have $25 for the next two weeks till payday. This really doesn't bug me much because I know God will provide what we need. Kirsten (The Accountant) worries constantly. She occasionally shares that she wished we had a savings account (with $ in it). Several things I have to share with other candidates for Youth Ministry.

Be OK with being fiscally challenged (POOR!).
Tell your spouses that you will be poor (money wise).
Make sure your spouse can handle that harsh reality.
Don't be afraid of LINK cards (food stamps), you will be using them.
Be OK with government health care, You can't afford your own policy.
Pray that your spouse gets a great job, if she is the CEO of the house (House Wife, Mom) she does the most important job for free. If only more parents stayed home to raise their children.

Have lots of Kids, Family is what will make you rich.
Love your spouse for putting up with the poverty lifestyle and your weird childish disposition.
Be willing to shut off your cable and watch over the air standard definition TV. (That Hurts!)

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