Fun Stuff
We are doing the Labyrinth Multimedia Experience tomorrow at church. Some of the youth came in this afternoon to give me a hand prepping the site and cleaning up.

The last few meeting I have been teaching the kids how to airbrush. I have to say, they really like it. I'm hanging the art they make in the North Wing ceiling.

Each piece of art will represent an event or experience from the HELIX youth program. I'm hoping to go back to the date I started so that the ceiling becomes a time line of events past.

The last few meeting I have been teaching the kids how to airbrush. I have to say, they really like it. I'm hanging the art they make in the North Wing ceiling.

Each piece of art will represent an event or experience from the HELIX youth program. I'm hoping to go back to the date I started so that the ceiling becomes a time line of events past.