God is speaking, Are you listening to Him?
So today I was working on my daily bible study and it hit me that things in my life are changing. Mainly because I'm following God's lead. My body is being restored to the temple God wants it to be. I feel great about that. I'm happy now, the sadness of my former self has faded into the distant past. Daily, God shows me how he want to use me to lead other through this life transformation and life restoration. I trust His lead each and every step. God's purpose for my life is so evident today. I'm here to serve my Lord with every moment. I seek His guidance and He leads me. God constantly blesses me and my family. I'm amazed at how God is working to restore not just my body, but my life. He nudges me to work on my relationships with those around me and he even gives me the strength to resist bad habits. God is even restoring my financial situation. It all starts with seeking God's guidance. Once I began to seek God in all areas of my life what He wants me to ...