
Showing posts from September, 2009

Youth Faith Based Weight Loss Program

Many of you know I have lost 120 lbs over the last 18 months. I’ve been very involved with the First Place 4 Health program. I’m currently developing a program for teenagers and college students. One of the aspects of this group will be teaching about proper nutrition and healthy choice alternatives. We will reinvent some our most favorite snacks during our time together. We all love snacks and learning how to make good choices is key to a healthy lifestyle. I’m going to spend the next few weeks immersing myself in the teen diet resources available from Amazon. I’ve ordered a lot of books and I plan to step away from the computer and absorb all I can about teen nutrition. My hope is to create a small group of dedicated students that will explore how God can radically change our lives. I have to say it does take work, but I know It will be fun. If you are between the ages of 14-25 in Freeport, IL and are interested in hanging out with us as we start this journey, please send me an emai...

Rally Day 2009

One Plants

This sermon is by far the best Sermon I have heard preached at St. John UCC. If you missed it or just want to hear it again here it is. Please share this with friends and family. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this message as well. Please leave me some comments.

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition

They are coming to our area on September 9th. Kirsten and I signed up to help. Volunteer spots filled up in 5 hours. I can’t wait.