
Showing posts from June, 2008

Rockband (Wii)

After much hesitation and contemplation I ordered Rock band for the Wii. My student leaders requested that we purchase the new game. After hearing them rave about how fun it was, I decided to give it a try. Last night at Helix we hooked it up and had and hour long jam session. Let me tell you as an adult it is really fun. As a kid at heart I absolutely love this thing.

Pacific Garden Mission

We took six students to Chicago today to spend some time at Pacific Garden Mission. It was a great experience and we saw how God is revealed through the love and kindness of many Christians , through PGM.

It is Finished!

I finished MGS4 tonight. It is an awesome game. I definitely recommend it. I really enjoyed the last battle between Snake and Liquid. It brought me back to hours of Tekken and Street Fighter. I will say that you might want to start the game in Liquid easy mode if your not a regular gamer. I got about half way through and had to start over in a lower difficulty setting. After that the game was a blast. The cut scenes (film) were good but there were a lot of them that tell a wonderful story. I didn't feel like I was board at all while I watched them. I know many people are mentioning how long they are on the web but I didn't feel like it took away from the game. I enjoyed it. I'll give it five out of five stars.

Aero Group

So I wrote to Aero and told them our connection was hiddious and they told me we were set to a 512 kb/s cap. They opened up the connect to 1.5 mb. Thanks Aero. Now I can preview youtube video's without waiting for them to load. Now we can Stream Video. Sweet!!

Laughing Octopus

Well I tried for two and a half hours to defeat this bad girl. I gave up and restarted the game in Liquid Easy mode. I had it in snake normal and I'm not an avid gamer. I should do better this time.


I rented MGS4. I've played it for a few hours today and it is by far the best video graphics I've ever seen. I'm enjoying the game play. It's difficult for a gaming novice like me to remember all the buttons and how they work but I'm coming along. I just left the Rat Patrol. For those of you who are playing too.


My next PS3 game review needs to be Metal Gear Solid 4. I'm really looking forward to playing this game. At $60 I may have to take out a loan to be able to afford this game on my ministry salary.

Comcast vs. Aero Speed

Above are my Comcast speeds from home. Below are the frustrating crawl I experience at church .

PGM Registration Form


EPIC Lock-in

Click for forms.

Assassins Creed Complete

I finished the game late tonight. It was super fun.

Kirsten & I back in the Day!

Enough Said!

Assassins Creed PS3

WOW! This game rocks. Aside from some adult language and weird religious dialogue this game rocks. I've been playing ALLLLL Day!

NSLI Lock-in

The Not So Locked In event was a lot of fun. So much in fact that I'm planning an Overnighter that will be held on July 18th. I can't wait.

Weight Loss Update

Last week I lost 7 lbs and this week I lost 3.4 lbs. It's amazing how much we can accomplish when we put God first.